Service Request to add user2group with dynamic group manager approval

Hi All !

Since a couple of weeks i wanted to create a Service Request where:

  • The user can add himself to a group
  • The Manager of the group in AD is the approver of the action.

Basically there are solutions out there, but not with up-to-date products and some
workarounds like a seperate database.

One is at, but as said with Opalis and a Database in the background.

I tried to do everything with native tools (SCSM, SCOR) but had to use 1 little powershell script,

which was inspired by

To make this possible, its important that the Runbook Server, executing the Powershell Script hat the
Remote Execution environement in place which i explained here.

Find the appripriate files in the AddUser2Group Files.

So here´s the video Part 1, enjoy and i hope you can use it in your environement as well.

Part 2 of the Video can be found here.

All the best trying this in your environement – Roman
Roman Stadlmair